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The Fatal Raid

Martial arts, Action, Thriller, Adventure | Hong Kong | CANTONESE | 2019 | 90' 

STARRING: Patrick TAM, Jade LEUNG, Kristy YEUNG, Jeana HO, Hidy YU, Michael TONG

Twenty years ago, Inspector Tam (Patrick Tam), Hard Gor (Michael Tong) and Special Female Force team Madam Fong (Jade Leung), Shirley (Sharon Luk) and a group of commandos started a secret operation to chase a group of gangster across the border of Hong Kong. This led to a large and drawn-out firefight between the police and gangsters, resulting in Shirley and a number of commandos killed in operation. The incident caused Inspector Tam and Madam Fong having a nightmare in this twenty years.



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